The Farm

Linhay is a small mixed farm of 120 acres specialising in the rearing of sheep.

A concern with nature conservation, has brought it a ‘High Level Stewardship’ award which, among other things, helps to protect ground-nesting birds such as Lapwing and Plover.

Mike Barnes has been in farming and its associated activities all his life; his wife Jenny, a qualified physiotherapist, is also an expert equestrian.

They welcome you to their home and hope to ensure that your stay is a very pleasant one.

A wealth of wildlife can be seen from the house including pheasants, partridge, woodpeckers, barn owls, buzzards swallows, lapwings, mistle thrushes, foxes, hares and rabbits.

The sky on a clear night is amazing as there is no light-pollution.

It’s a perfect location for country-lovers, nature enthusiasts, bird watchers and walkers.